Can’t Lose With LOVE.
No Lz is a South-Sudanese Canadian Battle Rapper and Multimedia Artist
Interested in exploring the ways we reflect, connect and resonate with ourselves in others
Rooted in Time
Can there be a difference between words and meanings?
If someone says “I am a Spanish teacher” you’d need more context to tell if they’re a teacher of Spanish descent or a teacher teaching the Spanish language.
The above sketch is a series of “BARS“ (in theory) around information distortion and how certain concepts can be connected in ways that feel natural.. just like in multisyllabic rhyming
Relevant questions:
If “AI” replaced human work, what would/should be valued?
Who/what creates “meaning”?
If a random “battle rapper” can discover or create “meaning” (like in the photo above) then is there anyway a society could resist information distortion from “bad actors”?
Could the media/politicians/leaders/law capitalize on differences in social and cultural identity in a way that enrages, separates or immobilizes us?
Related Readings:
The Gutenberg Parenthesis (Jeff Jarvis)
Wrong, How media, politics and identity drive our appetite for misinformation (Dannagal Goldthwaite Young)
Invisible Rulers… The people who turn lies into reality (Renee DiResta)
Season 1:
Director’s Cut
Rap Battles
Battle rap challenges conventional boundaries and encourages self-reflection via child-like play and non-linear thinking
Child’s Play / Killing with Innocence
Taking Crook’s Dollaz
The death of No Lz…
Bruce Lee Mindset:
Jeet Kune Do rejected the rigid forms and techniques of traditional martial arts. Instead, it focused on what Lee considered to be the essence of combat: direct, efficient movements that could be adapted to any situation.
In his book “Tao of Jeet Kune Do,” Lee wrote, “Instead of crystallization, fluidity is the principle. Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life! Do not be concerned with escaping safely – lay your life before him!” (Lee, 1975).
Coming Soon..
Season 1… The Rebirth
Rock Climbing
Figuring out a path feels like learning the choreography to a dance I have to teach myself.. very life like